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How can I cancel my membership?

Thank you for being an OPAS member.

We are sorry to hear that you no longer need our service. Our aim is to provide quality service to all of our customers. If for some reason our service does not meet your needs, please contact us either by phone or e-mail and let us know what we can do to help you.

Please note that we offer a free plan called FREE (Package Only) membership. You can keep your account for future use at no cost at all. You can always use our service as you need. If you are a PREMIUM (Package & Mail) member and wish to downgrade to FREE (Package Only) membership instead of closing, please follow the below steps.

1. Go to [Account Profile] page
2. Click on [Edit] next to Membership Plan
3. Select FREE (Package Only) membership
4. Click on [Submit]

If, however, you still wish to cancel your membership, first login to your OPAS account and click “Account Profile.” On the Account Profile screen, scroll all the way to the bottom and click the button next to “Cancel Membership.”

If you ever need package forwarding service in the future, please let us know by e-mail so that we can activate your account.

Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Thank you for your business.