Please feel free to check this page often. We will continue to update it as we become aware of various changes. Thank you.
Operating hours
Due to pandemic related worker shortages, our current operating hours are reduced to Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (Pacific Time).
Are THEY able to receive at the same address during this crisis? (They = the company or persons(s) at the address you’re sending to): If you haven’t already confirmed that the consignee/receiver is working or present at the same address now, please do so as soon as possible.
Potential delays: Our carrier partners have all advised that there may be delays beyond their control. Additionally, all service guarantees (delivery by a certain date/time) have been suspended. It might be difficult to judge when your package(s) will be delivered.
Some countries have suspended certain carrier operations completely, or are greatly limiting hours and/or various parts of their services. Please check the appropriate carrier websites for advisories of service to the country you are shipping to.
In spite of these advisories, we are assured that all of the carriers and their teams will do their best to deliver as soon as possible.
Personal Shopper service: We are noting some changes to the usually-reliable ordering systems for U.S. retailers. Please be aware of the following:
- Some retailers may have closed their operations without posting COVID-19 related messages.
- Some retailers may appear to be “open for business” but are actually closed or have limited hours that may either change the speed of processing or prevent the fulfillment of the order.
- In some cases, orders are being canceled after placement. We may or may not receive an explanation.
- Shipping options may have changed and some options may no longer be available.
Wipes containing alcohol and hand sanitizers: We are certified to ship Dangerous Goods (DG). However, there are restrictions based on the ingredients, volumes (must be less than 500ml per bottle), and destinations. Please provide us with the product link, quantity, destination city/zip code/country before purchasing so that we can check the shipping options.
Additional information can be found here:
Thank you for your patience and understanding in these unprecedented times. Please be assured that we and all of our partners are doing our best to keep you supplied on a timely basis, with the products you may need to order.