Package photos
Package photos let you peek inside your packages
Are you curious about the items inside the packages you are receiving? Want to see them before OPAS ships them to your international address? OPAS offers several package photo options for you to view your packages and the contents of those packages before they are shipped overseas.
OPAS has a package photo service that fits you or your business needs.
On-demand photo service
At any time before you request shipment of your package, you can request to see the contents of your items. Any of OPAS customers can request to have a photo taken of the items they have received here. Simply submit a Photo request via your Account Center “My Mailbox” area – just select the package you wish to have a photo of and OPAS takes the photo so you can see it. If you have a specific type (a particular view, or specific content) of photo that you want, you can specify that at the time you create the photo request. It can take up to 24 hours for us to take the photo for you, so if you want the package shipped promptly, please do not submit the photo request immediately before you wish to ship your package.

Instant photos of all received packages
Would you like to see a photo of every package you receive in your mailbox? No problem! OPAS can do that. Many of our package forwarding business customers use this option so they can get an overview of what’s in the box. These are not high-res detailed item photos but the photos allow you to verify that you have received the proper items that you requested and also help you match items/packages up with your purchasing records.
If you order multiple items from a single seller, the seller sometimes sends those items in multiple shipments that cause some issues when you’re trying to match your purchase receipts with your received items. Incoming package photo service for all incoming packages helps alleviate some of those issues by letting you view the contents of each received package immediately upon receiving it into your account.
Some business customers use this service in addition to barcoding service so they can more easily identify items on their side once they are received so they can separate and then send on to their end customers.
This service must be requested through our customer service department. Once you request this feature and implement it for your account, you get a photo of every package we receive for you (OPAS begins taking a photo of every package you receive so you won’t have to wait to see your items). Please note, it can take up to 48 hours for OPAS to fully implement this functionality to your account.
Close up photos of every item
Need to see specific details of all of your received items such as closeups of the tags on the clothing you ordered? Closeups of the retail packaging of collectibles and what is in it so you can verify it is exactly what you are expecting? OPAS takes high-resolution images of your incoming items so you can get advanced details of the exact condition or know exactly what it is.
As an example, one of OPAS return center customers has us take a closeup photo of the serial number of incoming items so the customer can match that serial number up with the item the customer is expecting their customer to send them. This process has alleviated slight mistakes on the matching of serial numbers on their side.
Now you can get high-resolution photos of basically whatever you want pertaining to the items in your packages. This is a custom service and the fee depends on what the photo is of, and how detail oriented it needs to be. If you are interested in this service simply contact our customer service team and we have an account rep work the details out with you.
Photos of outgoing packages
Some of our business clients request OPAS to take a photo of their repacked/consolidated packages so they can verify the condition of the boxes before they leave our facility. We can also put specific labeling as needed on the packages so they can be more easily found by your receivers or receiving facility. If you are interested in services for outbound packages, just contact the customer service team and OPAS can usually work with you to accommodate your needs.
Now you don’t have to wait to see your purchases
With OPAS photo services, you no longer have to wait until you receive your international shipment in order to see exactly what is in the packages we are forwarding on to you. This can give you peace of mind knowing you have received the correct items from the seller before they start on their international journey to your country. It is especially useful when purchasing used items when you really don’t know what condition they will be in.
These photos can help you make a faster and more informed decision regarding items you may need to return to the seller before they start their journey overseas. Once you receive the item in your country it will normally cost you more money to return it internationally than the item is worth. This can be avoided by using OPAS photo services or inspection services so you or OPAS can catch the issues before your items start their international trip.
Custom solutions for business resellers
If you are a business that resells US products in your own country and believe you could benefit from having OPAS do something customized specifically for your reshipping needs, please contact our customer service and let them know what you want. OPAS can then work with you to see if we can implement that customer service for you and OPAS can look at how you do things to help you find the right solution for your business.
Also, check out our advanced package inspection service.