The price structure will be subject to the number of packages to be shipped, membership level of the account and the time of day, local time, that the request is submitted.
Selecting “Yes” on the shipping request page will expedite your shipment’s processing time in our warehouse. It will not affect the In-Transit time of the carrier once it leaves our facility.
Please note that all Express requests are processed first in – first out. Express processing is not a guarantee that the order will be processed within a certain number of hours, but it is a guarantee that it will be processed ahead of non-Express orders.
BASIC (Package Only) membership plan
If the request is submitted during the level 1 period (please see charts below), the Express processing will be $10.00, plus $1.00 per package in the request over 5.
If the request is submitted during the level 2 period, the Express processing will be $20.00, plus $2.00 per package in the request over 5.
PREMIUM (Package & Mail) and DISTRIBUTOR (Package Only) membership plan
If the request is submitted during the level 1 period, the Express processing will be $5.00 plus $1.00 per package in the request over 5.
If the request is submitted during the level 2 period, the Express processing will be $10.00, plus $2.00 per package in the request over 5.