Farmacy - honey-based skincare products from the U.S
What is honey exactly? Honey is a naturally occurring substance that bees produce from pollen. It is stored within the bees’ hives in honeycombs. People know honey for its sweet, sugary taste that can be put in teas, spread on toast, or even infused with ice cream! However, being one of the most versatile ingredients for consumption, honey can serve another purpose. As it contains antibacterial and hydrating qualities, honey can be a fantastic ingredient to incorporate into skincare routines.
Whether you are looking for anti-aging products or something that will help reduce acne, honey seems to be the all-in-one ingredient. Many beauty companies have begun to incorporate both the antibacterial and antiseptic qualities of honey into their products for some time now. One, however, stands out as leading the way in its honey-infused products.
Farmacy is a beauty company based out of New York focusing on natural ingredients based on science. Conscious and environmentally responsible, Farmacy has led the way in honey-infused beauty products. In addition to their products, they also incorporate planting seeds to reduce food insecurity and promote ethical production.

Farmacy is a beauty company that is based out of New York with a focus on natural ingredients based on science. Conscious and environmentally responsible, Farmacy has led the way in honey-infused beauty products. In addition to their products, they also incorporate planting seeds to reduce food insecurity and promote ethical production.
The company also has a subscription option that allows you to consistently get the products that you want, when you want without having to worry about running out.
Farmacy’s infused-honey products range from serums to lotions to face washes for every step of your skincare routine. Even though their products are currently only sold in the U.S., you can still have access to their products from wherever you are. With OPAS package forwarding, you’ll be able to have their products shipped directly to your doorstep. Sign up for your free package forwarding address and get access to thousands of U.S. products instantaneously. Here are some favorites from Farmacy.

honey and hyaluronic acid cleanser – $28

14% AHA resurfacing night serum – $58

Ceramide face moisturizer – $45

Multi-purpose honey skin salve – $34

Ceramide hydration mask – $38